Cambridge defied the pre-race odds to win the 156th Boat Race in one of the most thrilling races in recent years.

Oxford won the toss and opted for the Surrey station, giving them the advantage of the inside of the long bend in the middle of the race.

From the start Oxford took the lead, but the experience in the Cambridge crew, with three returning Blues, was key as the Light Blues refused to give up and never let Oxford establish a clear boat-length’s advantage.

As the corner swung in Cambridge’s favour they edged ahead and by Barnes Bridge had a three-quarter-length lead. Oxford made one last desperate push to claw back the lead but Cambridge were in control of the race by then and responded, crossing the finish line of the four and a half mile course one and a third lengths ahead.

It was a double first for Cambridge as earlier the reserve boat, Goldie, had beaten Isis in similar fashion.

Speaking after the race Cambridge Coach Chris Nillson said: "I don't think I have felt as emotional since I coached the New Zealand four to the world championships, which was very special," added Nilsson.

"There is a lot more involved in coaching a Cambridge crew. It is not easy and that is what makes this race special."

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