Great St Mary's, the University Church, will host the annual Remembrance Sunday service on 14 November 2021.
Great St Mary's, the University Church, will host the annual Remembrance Sunday service on 14 November 2021.
In honouring them for what they gave in their day, we can learn lessons for living more wisely in our own.
Rev Adrian Daffern
The service, which last year had to be hosted online because of the COVID lockdown, will start at 11.00 am. Guests are asked to be seated by 10.40 am. The preacher this year is the University Marshal, Lucy Lewis, who is known to many for her ceremonial role. Lucy was the British army’s first female bomb-disposal officer, a story she relates in her recently published book Lighting the Fuse (Orion 2021), and her address promises to be fascinating and moving.
The Queen will be represented by the Deputy Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, Sir James Paice, and the University by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stephen J Toope.
The Rev Canon Adrian Daffern said:
“All too often we seem to be surrounded by conflict. We’re challenged by climate change, by COVID, and often by the phobias and prejudices that characterise too much of modern society. The annual opportunity for remembering those who fought very different battles, for their country and the freedoms we enjoy, matters as much as ever. In honouring them for what they gave in their day, we can learn lessons for living more wisely in our own.”
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