The University of Cambridge is to run a residential course for higher education advisers this September.
The University of Cambridge is to run a residential course for higher education advisers this September.
The course is open to all teachers and careers advisers from schools, Further Education Colleges and Sixth Form Colleges - and there are some free places for staff from schools or colleges with a high proportion of students receiving free school meals or education maintenance allowances.
It will take place on 19 and 20 September at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge.
Honor Ridout, Further Education Access Officer, said: “This is a chance for staff to familiarise themselves with the Cambridge admissions system. Admissions tutors will be on hand to discuss all aspects of the application procedure, including the selection process, interviews and admissions tests and student life in Cambridge.”
Information on recent changes and developments in Cambridge admissions will feature highly, with sessions on the use of AS scores and grades, contextual information, A* at A-level, the IB and subject moderation.
Advice will be tailored to the needs of different groups of students, from standard-age students and mature students to students with disabilities.
Subject specialists will also answer questions about course content and structure, preparation, selection and curriculum developments in the Arts, Sciences and Social Sciences.
Cambridge has a successful history of running courses designed to demystify the admissions process at Cambridge. Teachers attending a similar course earlier this year commented that the event provided a valuable insight into what information Cambridge is looking for and how they can help pupils maximise their chances. Teachers said they returned to their schools with some useful tips in the knowledge that Cambridge is a friendly, helpful place.
Please contact the HE Advisers' Conference Co-ordinator on 01223 765 728 for further information.
Information is also available at the website link above right.
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