A University Sports Centre at West Cambridge and University-led plans for an ice rink moved a step closer today with the publication of a new Sports Strategy for the Cambridge sub-region.

Rt. Hon. Richard Caborn MP, Minister for Sport, launched the strategy at a reception for councillors, local government officers, sports representatives and business people at the University Sports Ground.

The strategy, A Major Sports Facilities Strategy for the Cambridge Sub-region , sets out an exciting and realistic vision for planned development as a means to enhance community and specialist sports provision in the Cambridge Sub-region. It also looks at current facilities in the area, what is needed to support future growth, managing the impact of London hosting the 2012 Olympics and how new facilities can be delivered. The strategy was developed by Cambridgeshire Horizons working in partnership with the Cambridgeshire Local Authorities and Sport England.

Priorities for major sports facilities include a 50m swimming pool at West Cambridge which would form part of the University Sports Centre, an ice rink, a community football stadium and a multi-lane rowing facility.

The strategy was launched at The Pavilion, University of Cambridge Sports Ground. Rt. Hon. Richard Caborn MP attended to formally launch the strategy and set it in context with the national sports agenda. Further speakers included Sir David Trippier, Chairman of Cambridgeshire Horizons, Rob Young of PMP Consultancy Ltd and Jackie Bland, Director of Living Sports, the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough County Sports Partnership.

A Major Sports Facilities Strategy for the Cambridge Sub-region forms part of the Cambridgeshire Horizons Quality of Life programme which will ensure high standards in the delivery of developments outlined in the Structure Plan. The sports facilities strategy follows the launch of An Arts & Culture Strategy in July 2006, A Green Infrastructure Strategy in June 2006 and A Good Practice Guide for Balanced and Mixed Communities in March 2006.

Peter Studdert, Director for Sustainable Communities and a driving force behind quality of life issues in the Sub-region said: “We are very pleased that the Sports Minister was able to attend today and place future sports provision in the Cambridge Sub-region under the spotlight. The need for new housing in the Cambridge Sub-region offers exciting opportunities to provide improved sports facilities as an integral part of development and improve the quality of life of both present and future residents.”

Sir David Tripper, Chairman, Cambridgeshire Horizons said: “Over the next 20 years, as the population continues to grow, one of the greatest challenges we face as a consequence is ensuring that the quality of life for existing and new communities in the area is improved. A main aim of our work during 2006 has been to bring quality of life issues such as sports provision higher up the agenda. We look forward to continuing work with all organisations and agencies involved in developing this strategy to take forward its recommendations.”

Welcoming the strategy, Tony Lemons, Director of Physical Education for the University of Cambridge said: "The University is delighted to receive Cambridge Horizons' Sports Strategy. The proposed policies establish a clear set of aims for the future provision of sport in the Cambridge Sub-Region, including a number of major facilities already identified as important in the University's 800th Anniversary Campaign. For a number of years the University has opened many of its sports facilities for community use and we welcome the confirmation of the University as a key player in the provision of sub-regional facilities. We look forward to working with all the partners and playing a full part in the region's development."

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