The eyes have it

23 August 2002
A new text entry system developed at the University of Cambridge could transform computing for people unable to use a normal keyboard.
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Darwin letters travel to Galapagos Islands

21 August 2002

"In a few day's time the Beagle will sail for the Galapagos Islands. I look forward with joy and interest to this, both as being somewhat nearer to England, and for the sake of having a good look at an active Volcano."

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You've got your A-level results: what next?

14 August 2002
If you are holding a conditional offer of a place at Cambridge, and have met or exceeded all the conditions in your offer, including the grades required, congratulations! You don't need to do anything. Your College will already have been told your A-level results, and your place is automatically confirmed. You will receive a letter from the College and from UCAS within a few days. Please do not phone the College at this busy time.
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New officers at Students' Union

09 August 2002
Over recent weeks the new team of sabbatical officers at the University of Cambridge have been settling into their new roles and planning for the busy year ahead.
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Costing the earth - environmental economics

09 August 2002

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, a Fellow of St John's College, is joint winner of the 2002 Volvo Environmental Prize. His co-winner is Karl-Goran Maler, Professor of Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics.

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Barton on performance and text

07 August 2002

John Barton, playwright and distinguished director with the Royal Shakespeare Company, is returning to Cambridge for the University's Alumni Weekend, to give the English Faculty's session on 'Text and Performance'.

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Nicholson at Kettle's Yard

05 August 2002
Works by Ben Nicholson, one of Britain's most distinguished pioneers of abstract art and the man who inspired Jim Ede to create Kettle's Yard, are being exhibited at the gallery this summer.
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Sea creatures' shells grow thinner as CO2 levels rise

02 August 2002
The first results from a new study funded by the Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI) shows that the shells of simple, plankton-like creatures called foraminifera have halved in weight (from 22 micro-grams to 10 micro-grams) as levels of carbon dioxide have risen since the last ice age.
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Access all areas

29 July 2002
The University’s commitment to encouraging the best students to apply to Cambridge has received a boost with the appointment of Janet Graham and Sharon Warren.
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