Researchers have developed floating ‘artificial leaves’ that generate clean fuels from sunlight and water, and could eventually operate on a large scale at sea.
Researchers have demonstrated how airborne diseases such as COVID-19 spread along the length of a train carriage and found that there is no ‘safest spot’ for passengers to minimise the risk of transmission.
Researchers have used a combination of automated text analysis and the ‘robot scientist’ Eve to semi-automate the process of reproducing research results. The problem of lack of reproducibility is one of the biggest crises facing modern science.
As more UK workers and students return to offices and schools, a new model has been developed to predict the risk of airborne COVID-19 infection in such environments.
Five internationally-recognised researchers, including Cambridge’s Professor Zoubin Ghahramani, have been appointed as the first Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellows to conduct work on artificial intelligence’s (AI) biggest challenges.
Researchers have developed the first LiDAR-based augmented reality head-up display for use in vehicles. Tests on a prototype version of the technology suggest that it could improve road safety by ‘seeing through’ objects to alert of potential hazards without distracting the driver.