GP consultation with a female patient

Improving access to GP surgeries could reduce burden on out-of-hours services

21 May 2014

Poor access to GP surgeries could be driving patients to use out-of-hours services and putting an extra burden on the NHS, according to researchers at the Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research. In research published today, they say that improving access could lead to an 11% reduction in the use of out-of-hours primary care services.

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Glass of wine

Nudging consumers towards better health

25 May 2012

It seems at once the simplest and most complex of health problems: by eating healthily, not smoking, being more active and cutting down on alcohol, we can live longer, healthier lives. Why, then, do so many of us ignore this advice?

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Human placental villi showing signs of oxidative stress

Great expectations in pregnancy research

01 February 2008

Most pregnancies develop normally but when complications arise they can have devastating effects. Two recent initiatives in Cambridge hope to deliver a new understanding of events during this critical period of human life.

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