A lung function test used to help diagnose asthma works better in the morning, becoming less reliable throughout the day, Cambridge researchers have found.
A pivotal clinical trial of a 'pill-on-a-thread' test, which will decide if it becomes a new screening programme for oesophageal cancer, has welcomed its first participants.
Cambridge Children’s Hospital, which will be the first specialist children’s hospital for the East of England, has been given the green light to proceed to the final stage of its business case development. This means that pre-construction works can begin on the site of the new hospital, opposite the Rosie Maternity Hospital on Robinson Way, early next year.
As the NHS celebrates its 75th anniversary, we look at how the close relationship between the University and the hospitals on its doorstep is driving major improvements in how we care for patients.
Most minority ethnic groups are less successful than their White British counterparts when applying to specialty training programmes in the NHS, Cambridge researchers have shown.
From developing intensive care equipment to tackling supplies of PPE and oxygen, here's how a group of Cambridge researchers refocused and partnered with local hospitals during COVID-19.