These birds will soon go extinct. But their disappearance need not be in vain.

19 May 2021

The White-tailed Swallow and Ethiopian Bush-crow are living in ‘climatic lifeboats’ with their tiny ranges restricted on all sides by temperature and rainfall patterns. Even under moderate climate warming, models predict a severe loss of suitable climate for these birds within the next 50 years - dramatically heightening their risk of extinction.

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West Summerland Key Mangrove Ecosystem, Florida Keys

Putting a value on what nature does for us

11 September 2014

Interactive online tool allows the value of an ecosystem to be calculated, and allows users to determine how altering a habitat can affect its economic, social and environmental worth.

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Saltmarshes starting to be inundated by the tide at Abbots Hall, Cumbria, UK

Climate change: can nature help us?

08 May 2013

Hard-engineered sea walls have a limited life span. Could saltmarshes and mangroves offer a different approach to buffering against storm surges and coastal erosion?

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Gola Forest credit Jeremy Lindsell

Canopy commerce: forest conservation and poverty alleviation

03 February 2012

Innovative approaches for protecting the future of Sierra Leone’s Gola Forest – globally important for its biodiversity and its carbon reserves – are being developed by a collaboration of conservation agencies and University of Cambridge researchers.

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