PREP Course helps students find their feet

09 October 2008

They call it imposter syndrome: it’s the heart-sinking feeling you get when you feel that the people around you have quite the wrong idea about you. For example that you are incredibly brainy like them when you have not a single intelligent thought in your head and want to bolt for home.

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Ethnic minority pupils get up to speed on Cambridge applications

13 June 2008
Rishi Sharmi, Lateef Olajoku and Shashendri Abayasekera (pictured) were among 125 sixth-formers who attended a GEEMA open day at the University of Cambridge last Thursday. GEEMA, which stands for Group for Encouraging Ethnic Minority Applications, runs a range of annual events to encourage ethnic minority pupils to aim high.
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Safeguarding the future of the Backs

30 November 2007
All six Colleges on Cambridge's world-famous Backs have agreed a landscape strategy which is intended to set a broad framework for this iconic site over the next 100 years.
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