Happy young business woman shaking hands with another female

What is knowledge transfer?

27 May 2009

Knowledge transfer (KT) is a term used to encompass a very broad range of activities to support mutually beneficial collaborations between universities, businesses and the public sector.

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Stacking practice bombs

Gender equality in modern times

01 April 2009

The largest multidisciplinary research network of its kind in the UK is investigating why gender equality is still a pressing social issue in the 21st century.

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Virtual violins

01 September 2008

Why does one violin sound different to another? Investigating this question has brought together researchers from music, engineering, experimental psychology and computer science.

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Cleaning up contaminated land

01 May 2008

A recently launched project that unites academia with industry is addressing the need to decontaminate ‘brownfield’ sites for redevelopment.

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