Human placental villi showing signs of oxidative stress

Great expectations in pregnancy research

01 February 2008

Most pregnancies develop normally but when complications arise they can have devastating effects. Two recent initiatives in Cambridge hope to deliver a new understanding of events during this critical period of human life.

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Type 1 diabetes and Crohn's disease genes identified

07 June 2007
A major collaboration of UK scientists has provided an insight into the genetics underlying a number of diseases including Crohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease, and type 1 diabetes. The Crohn's and type 1 research, led by Cambridge University scientists, has identified for the first time a gene linking these two autoimmune diseases.
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Cells make meal of Huntington's disease

08 May 2007
University of Cambridge researchers have developed a novel strategy to tackle neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's disease: encouraging an individuals own cells to “eat” the malformed proteins that lead to the disease.
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Functional MRI scan

Why are we so fat?

01 April 2007

For some people, the urge to eat is uncontrollable. Cambridge scientists have taken us a step closer to understanding the causes of obesity by studying a group of patients for whom overeating is an everyday event.

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Changing Luck for the Better

The psychology of gambling

01 April 2007

Gambling is a thriving form of entertainment in the UK, but may also become a form of addiction for some individuals. Just why do people gamble when ‘the house always wins’? Advances in brain imaging techniques are helping Cambridge scientists find out.

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Teaching excellence rewarded

06 July 2006
Eleven University of Cambridge lecturers have been recognised for their excellence in teaching, at an award ceremony for the 2006 Pilkington Prizes on July 6.
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