The letters before they were opened and read by Renaud Morieux at The National Archives, Kew

French love letters confiscated by Britain finally read after 265 years

07 November 2023

Over 100 letters sent to French sailors, but never delivered, have been read for the first time since they were written in 1757-8. The letters include heart-breaking love letters and evidence of family quarrels. The letters were seized by Britain’s Royal Navy during the Seven Years’ War and forgotten about until historian Renaud Morieux studied them.

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Photograph of New York skyline

Cambridge Zero takes centre stage at Climate Week NYC

15 September 2023

Cambridge Zero Director Professor Emily Shuckburgh takes centre stage at the world's biggest climate event of its kind in New York, talking to global leaders of government, business and philanthropy about Cambridge’s efforts to tackle climate change.

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The River Mimram. Image: Charles Rangeley-Wilson

Saving England's chalk streams

27 April 2023

A conference organised by Pembroke College, Cambridge Conservation Initiative and WildFish Conservation has mobilised activists working to save chalk streams - one of the world's rarest habitats - from pollution and over-abstraction.

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