PREP Course helps students find their feet

09 October 2008

They call it imposter syndrome: it’s the heart-sinking feeling you get when you feel that the people around you have quite the wrong idea about you. For example that you are incredibly brainy like them when you have not a single intelligent thought in your head and want to bolt for home.

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Jack, Emerald and Eve (and 47 others) get a taste of Cambridge

04 July 2008
Jack Cadman goes to a comprehensive in Loughton and wants to study economics; Emerald Sherlock-Mold is a pupil at a large state school in Sheffield and has a talent for languages; Eve Annable attends a Further Education college in Birkenhead and is passionate about English.
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“If you don’t apply, you won’t get in”

21 April 2008
“Cambridge is a lot better than I’d imagined – bigger and newer – and it’s not all antique and stuffy,” said Amin Dualeh, 17, a student at Longley Park Sixth Form College in Sheffield, who is interested in a career in aeronautical engineering.
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