Dr Federica Gigante examining the Verona astrolabe

Astrolabe reveals Islamic–Jewish scientific exchange

04 March 2024

The identification of an eleventh-century Islamic astrolabe bearing both Arabic and Hebrew inscriptions makes it one of the oldest examples ever discovered and one of only a handful known in the world. The astronomical instrument was adapted, translated and corrected for centuries by Muslim, Jewish and Christian users in Spain, North Africa and Italy.

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The letters before they were opened and read by Renaud Morieux at The National Archives, Kew

French love letters confiscated by Britain finally read after 265 years

07 November 2023

Over 100 letters sent to French sailors, but never delivered, have been read for the first time since they were written in 1757-8. The letters include heart-breaking love letters and evidence of family quarrels. The letters were seized by Britain’s Royal Navy during the Seven Years’ War and forgotten about until historian Renaud Morieux studied them.

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King Charles smiling with a group of Cambridge students

King's Birthday Honours 2023

17 June 2023

Leaders in fields from economics to history are among the Cambridge academics recognised in the King's first birthday honours list.

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