Black hole trio holds promise for gravity wave hunt

25 June 2014

The discovery of three closely orbiting supermassive black holes in a galaxy more than four billion light years away could help astronomers in the search for gravitational waves: the ‘ripples in spacetime’ predicted by Einstein.

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Trapping the light fantastic

16 June 2014

The development of a ‘nanobarrel’ that traps and concentrates light onto single molecules could be used as a low-cost and reliable diagnostic test.

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Salt baskets

Nanomaterials Up Close: Salt baskets

05 June 2014

This electron microscope picture, reminiscent of man-made baskets or children’s blocks, shows cubic salt crystals that have been forced to form in spheres, as Rox Middleton explains.

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When twisted light matches the twist of nanostructures, strong interactions with chiral molecules could arise

Exposing ‘evil twins’

16 May 2014

A combination of nanotechnology and a unique twisting property of light could lead to new methods for ensuring the purity and safety of pharmaceuticals.

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This is the experimental setup used to generate femtosecond laser pulses which serve as an ultrafast "flash " for the camera so that very rapid phenomenon can be filmed

Quantum waves at the heart of organic solar cells

12 December 2013

Researchers have been able to tune ‘coherence’ in organic nanostructures due to the surprise discovery of wavelike electrons in organic materials, revealing the key to generating “long-lived charges” in organic solar cells - material that could revolutionise solar energy.

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