A wave approaches Miyako City from the Heigawa estuary in Iwate Prefecture

Scientists explain scale of Japanese tsunami

24 August 2012

Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes under the seabed. Some tsunamis – including the disaster that hit Japan last year – are unexpectedly large. Cambridge scientists suggest that their severity is caused by a release of gravitational energy as well as elastic energy.

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Deep into the Patagonia Glacier

Ice Age, interrupted

09 January 2012

Research shows that a new Ice Age could well have been upon us in the next millennium were it not for increases in CO2 due to humans, despite the advantageous trend in solar radiation of our current age.

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Meteor Crater AZ

Asteroid killed off the dinosaurs

04 March 2010

The Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinction, which wiped out the dinosaurs and more than half of species on Earth, was caused by an asteroid colliding with Earth and not massive volcanic activity, according to a comprehensive new review of all the evidence.

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Melting is your destiny

Taking the long view on climate change

01 September 2007

Cambridge Earth Scientists are contributing to our understanding of the climate system by studying the history of climate change recorded in sediments deposited on the sea floor.

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