Reading the past

16 October 2002
Speaking volumes - 600 years of Cambridge University Library is a new exhibition which celebrates the long history of one of the world's greatest libraries. Images and artefacts tell the story of the Library's growth, from its medieval origins as three rooms in the Old Schools to its current home on the western edge of Cambridge.
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Darwin letters travel to Galapagos Islands

21 August 2002

"In a few day's time the Beagle will sail for the Galapagos Islands. I look forward with joy and interest to this, both as being somewhat nearer to England, and for the sake of having a good look at an active Volcano."

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Fantasy to federation

02 April 2001

A new exhibition of maps at the Cambridge University Library tells the story of how European cartographers charted Australia. Timed to coincide with the centenary of Australia's foundation as a federal state, the exhibition begins with the early imaginary maps of the 16th century and ends in 1901, when the British colonies were united into a nation with a federal structure. The exhibition is being opened today (Monday 2 April, 2001) by the Australian High Commissioner, His Excellency Michael L'Estrange.

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Arab Delegation Visits Cambridge

09 March 2000
Vice Chancellor Sir Alec Broers (right) at Pembroke College with the Secretary General of the League of Arab States (left) and the Master of Pembroke College, Sir Roger Tomkys (centre).
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