Bolsonaro’s attitude to coronavirus increases ‘risky behaviour’ in Brazil
05 May 2020Study suggests that TV appearances by Bolsonaro led to millions more Brazilians ignoring social distancing in the days following broadcast.
Study suggests that TV appearances by Bolsonaro led to millions more Brazilians ignoring social distancing in the days following broadcast.
The worst thing for the economy would be not acting at all to prevent disease spread, followed by too short a lockdown, according to research based on US data.
New data shows women and people who did not go to university are more likely to have lost work and earnings since mid-March.
Almost one and a half billion spending transactions reveal 'real-time' reactions of consumers in a major western economy during the nation’s peak pandemic period.
Those on low incomes are also more likely to have lost jobs or pay, and less able to complete work tasks from home. Researchers warn the COVID-19 downturn is likely to “increase inequality between young and old”.