About the University
Academic and Financial Planning and Analysis (AFPA) , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Academic Division , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Access Cambridge Archaeology
Access to higher education initiatives - see Widening participation
Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre
Accommodation Service , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
ACF Programme (for Academic Clinical Fellows)
ADC Theatre (the University Playhouse)
Addresses and contact information for Colleges
Addresses and contact information for Departments
Advisory Committee on Committee Membership and External Nominations (ACCMEN)
African Studies, Centre of
AHRC Research Centre for Musical Performance as Creative Practice
American Friends of Cambridge University - see Cambridge in America
Anaesthesia, Division of
Anatomical Examination - see Body donation
Anatomy, Department of - see Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Department of
Anatomy teaching programme
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, Department of
Anne McLaren Laboratory for Regenerative Medicine - see Stemcells Interdisciplinary Research Initiative
Annual Report of the University
Anthropology, Department of Social
Apollo, the University Repository
Applied Economics, Department of - see Economics, Faculty of
Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Department of
Arabic - see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Archaeology, Department of
Archaeology and Anthropology, Museum of
Architecture, Department of
Architecture and History of Art, Faculty of
Art, Department of History of
Art galleries - see Museums & Collections
Art History - see History of Art
Artificial Intelligence Group
Arts and Humanities, School of
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of
Assistive Technology Support
Assyriology - see Archaeology, Division of
Astronomy, Institute of
Astrophysics , Cavendish Group
Atmospheric Chemistry Modelling Support Group (ACMSU)
Atmospheric Science, Centre for
Audit Committee (authenticated access only)
Autism Research Centre
Babraham Institute
Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience, MRC Centre for
Betty and Gordon Moore Library
Biochemistry, Department of
Bioinformatics training
Biological and Soft Systems (BSS)
Biological Anthropology
Biological Sciences, School of the
Biology, Faculty of
BioMedical Admission Test (BMAT)
Biomedical Support Services - see University Biomedical Services
Biostatistics Unit, Medical Research Council
Board of Scrutiny - see Scrutiny, Board of
Boat Clubs - see Combined Boat Clubs, Cambridge University (CUCBC)
Body donation for anatomical examination
Botanic Garden
Botany - see Plant Sciences, Department of
BP Institute for Multiphase Flow
Brain Mapping Unit , Department of Psychiatry
Brain Repair, Cambridge Centre for
Bullard Laboratories - see Department of Earth Sciences
Bursary Scheme - see Cambridge Bursary Scheme
Business & the Environment Programme - see Prince of Wales's Business & Sustainability Programme (BSP)
Business Committee (authenticated access only)
Business Services Guide
Business Research, Centre for
Business school - see Judge Business School
Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciences
Cambridge Admissions Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre
Cambridge-Africa Programme
Cambridge Archaeological Journal
Cambridge Archaeological Unit
Cambridge Assessment (formerly the Local Examinations Syndicate)
Cambridge Bursary Scheme (for UK/EU undergraduates)
Cambridge Canadian Studies Initiative
Cambridge Cancer Centre
Cambridge Centre for Advanced Research and Education in Singapore (CARES)
Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN)
Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide (formerly the Henry Martyn Centre)
Cambridge Centre for Health Leadership & Enterprise (CCHLE)
Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR)
Cambridge Centre for Musical Performance Studies
Cambridge Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction
Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning
Cambridge City over-75s Cohort Study (CC75C)
Cambridge Coastal Research Unit
Cambridge Commonwealth Trust - see Cambridge Trusts
Cambridge Computational Biology Institute
Cambridge Conservation Initiative
Cambridge Core - book and journal content from Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
Cambridge Elective Scheme
Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance
Cambridge English
Cambridge Enterprise
Cambridge Entrepreneurship
Cambridge European Trust - see Cambridge Trusts
Cambridge Forum for Legal & Political Philosophy (CFLPP)
Cambridge Foundation
Cambridge Graphene Centre
Cambridge Immunology
Cambridge in America
Cambridge-INET Institute , Faculty of Economics
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR)
Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)
Cambridge Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Group
Cambridge Inter-Faith Programme
Cambridge Neuroscience
Cambridge Overseas Trust - see Cambridge Trust
Cambridge Pancreatic Cancer Centre
Cambridge Philosophical Society
Cambridge Quaternary (formerly the Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research)
Cambridge Real Estate Research Centre
Cambridge School Classics Project (CSCP)
Cambridge SU – the students' union
Cambridge SU Student Advice Service
Cambridge Student Information System (CAMSIS) (authenticated access only)
Cambridge Systems Biology Centre (CSBC)
Cambridge Theological Federation
Cambridge Trust
Cambridge University Press & Assessment
Cambridge University Radio (Cam FM)
Cambridge Volcanology Group
CamBridgeSens - sensor research across the University
CamCORS - Cambridge Colleges' Online Reporting System for Supervisions
CamDATA - course information and student statistics
CamGRAD - see Postgraduate Feedback Reporting System (PFRS)
CamSIS - Cambridge Student Information System (authenticated access only)
CamTools (to help University staff and students collaborate, communicate and interact online)
Canadian Studies Initiative - see Cambridge Canadian Studies Initiative
Cancer Genetic Epidemiology, Centre for
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit
Cardiovascular Medicine, Division of
Careers Service
CARET - Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies
Catalan - see Spanish and Portuguese, Department of
CaTaLOG (Cambridge Trainee Librarians' Online Group)
Cavendish Astrophysics Group
Cavendish Laboratory - see Physics, Department of
CCPN: Collaborative Computing Project for the NMR Community
Central Purchasing Office - see Procurement Services
Central Science Library (CSL) - part of the Betty and Gordon Moore Library
Centre for Child, Adolescent and Family Research
Centre for Neuroscience in Education - see Neuroscience in Education, Centre for
Centre for Molecular Informatics - see Molecular Informatics, Centre for
Centre for Neuroscience in Education - see Neuroscience in Education, Centre for
Centre for Personal and Professional Development - see Personal and Professional Development, Centre for
Centre for Science and Policy - see Science and Policy, Centre for (CSaP)
Centre for Scientific Computing - see Scientific Computing, Centre for (CSC)
Centre for Trophoblast Research - see Trophoblast Research, Centre for
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk - see the Study of Existential Risk, Centre for
Centre of Islamic Studies - see Islamic Studies, Centre of
Certificates - see Degree Certificates and Transcripts
Challenge Fund - see Cambridge Enterprise Seed Funds
Chaplaincy in Cambridge
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Department of
Chemistry, Department of
Childcare Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Chinese - see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of
Choirs, College - see entries under individual Colleges
Christ's College
Churchill College
CIE - University of Cambridge International Examinations
Civil Engineering , Department of Engineering
Clare College
Clare Hall
Classical Archaeology, Museum of
Classics, Faculty of
Clinical Academic Training - see Graduate and Clinical Academic Training , School of Clinical Medicine
Clinical Biochemistry, Department of
Clinical Gerontology Unit
Clinical Medicine, School of
Clinical Neurosciences, Department of
Clinical Veterinary Medicine - see Veterinary Medicine
Clubs and societies
Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, MRC - see MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
Cognitive Function and Ageing Study, MRC - see MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Study (MRC CFAS)
Combined Boat Clubs, Cambridge University (CUCBC)
Communications - see External Affairs and Communications, Office of
Community affairs - see External Affairs and Communications, Office of
Community Medicine, Department of, see Public Health and Primary Care, Department of
Computational Modelling Group (CoMo)
Computational Radiation Therapy
Computer Science , Department of (formerly the Computer Laboratory)
Computing Service, see University Information Services
Conference Cambridge - see Meet Cambridge
Conservation Research Institute , University of Cambridge (UCCRI)
Construction Engineering and Technology - see Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology
Continuing Education, Institute of
Contract Research Staff
Copyright Compliance (authenticated access only)
Corporate and Commercial Law, Centre for (3CL)
Corpus Christi College
Council (authenticated access only)
Counselling Service for staff
Counselling Service for students
Courses - see Admissions
CRASSH - see Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Centre for (CRASSH)
Criminology, Institute of
Crystallography and Bioinformatics , Department of Biochemistry
CSaP - see Science and Policy, Centre for (CSaP)
Earth Sciences, Department of
Earth Sciences and Geography, Faculty of
East Asian Studies - see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of
Eastern Region Ministry Course
Economic and Public Policy, Centre for (CCEPP)
Economics, Faculty of
Education Committee (authenticated access only)
Education, Faculty of
Education Quality and Policy Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Egyptology - see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of
Electives - see Cambridge Elective Scheme
Electrical Engineering , Department of Engineering
Email addresses for staff and students
Emergency telephone numbers for local use
Emmanuel College
Energy, Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery , Department of Engineering
Engineering, Department of
English, Faculty of
Entrepreneurship Centre
Environmental Impact
Environmental Strategy Committee (authenticated access only)
Environmental Office , University Administrative Service (UAS)
Epidemiology Unit, MRC
Equal opportunities policy
Equality and Diversity
Equipment Sharing
Estate Management , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
European Legal Studies, Centre for (CELS)
European Prospective Investigation of Cancer (EPIC) - Norfolk study
Events for the public - see Public Engagement
Examination Access and Mitigation Committee
Examination Timetable
Examinations (external) - see Cambridge Assessment
Executive and Professional Education
Exoplanet Research Centre - see Cambridge Exoplanet Research Centre
Experimental Medicine and Immunotherapeutics (EMIT) , Division of
External Affairs and Communications, Office of , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Haddon Library
Haematology, Department of
Hamilton Kerr Institute
Hauser Forum
Health and Safety Executive Committee (authenticated access only)
Health and Safety Office - see Safety Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Hebrew and Aramaic Studies - see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of
Henry Martyn Centre - see Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide
High Energy Physics Group
High Performance Computing Service (HPC) - part of University Information Services
Hindi - see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
History, Faculty of
History and Economics, Centre for
History and Philosophy of Science, Department of
History of Art, Department of
History of Population & Social Structure, Cambridge Group for
History of the University
Homerton College
Honorary degrees
House style of the University
Housing & Planning Research, Cambridge Centre for (CCHPR)
Hughes Hall
Human Evolutionary Studies, Leverhulme Centre for
Human Resources Committee (authenticated access only)
Human Resources Division , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Human, Social, and Political Science, Faculty of
Human, Social, and Political Sciences Tripos
Humanities & Social Sciences, School of
Hutchison/MRC Research Centre
Identity guidelines of the University
Immigration (Students)
Immunology, Cambridge - see Cambridge Immunology
Immunology Division , Department of Pathology
IMS - see Metabolic Science, Institute of
India and Global Business, Centre for (CIGB)
Infectious Diseases, Division of , Department of Medicine
Information Engineering , Department of Engineering
Information Services Committee
Institute of Computing for Climate Science
Institute of Continuing Education - see Continuing Education, Institute of
Institute for Manufacturing , Department of Engineering
Insurance Section , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Intellectual Property & Information Law, Centre for (CIPIL)
Intercollegiate Services, Office of
Sustainability Leadership for the Built Environment
Interdisciplinary Research Centres
International examinations , conducted by Cambridge Assessment
International Glaciological Society
International Law, Lauterpacht Research Centre for
International Strategy Office, part of the University Administrative Service (UAS) - see Strategic Partnership Office
International Student Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
International Summer Programme s, at Institute of Continuing Education
Investment Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Isaac Newton Trust
Islamic Studies - see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of
Islamic Studies, Centre of
Italian, Department of
Laing O'Rourke Centre for Construction Engineering and Technology
Land Economy, Department of
Language Centre
Latin American Studies, Centre of
Lauterpacht Research Centre - see International Law, Lauterpacht Research Centre for
Law, Faculty of
Legal Services Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Lennard-Jones Centre for Computational Materials Modelling
Leverhulme - see Human Evolutionary Studies, Leverhulme Centre for
Library, University - see University Library
Life Sciences, Graduate School - see Graduate School of Life Sciences
Linguistics, Department of Theoretical and Applied
Linkline - see Nightline , confidential help and information: 7pm - 7am
Local Examinations Syndicate - see Cambridge Assessment
Lucy Cavendish College
Magdalene College
Management Information Services Division (MISD), see University Information Services (UIS)
Management Studies - see Judge Business School
Manufacturing and Management - see Institute for Manufacturing , Department of Engineering
Map of University and College sites
Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology
Martin Centre , the research arm of the Department of Architecture
Materials Science and Metallurgy, Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Centre for
Mathematics, Faculty of
Maxwell Centre
McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research
Meaning of Success - Insights from Women at Cambridge
Mechanics, Materials and Design , Department of Engineering
Media relations
Media Studio - medical photography, video production and graphic design at Addenbrooke's Hospital
Medical Electives - see Cambridge Elective Scheme
Medical Genetics, Department of
Medical Library
Medical Materials, Cambridge Centre for
Medicine, Department of
Meet Cambridge , Cambridge venues for events and accommodation
Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis , Department of Chemistry
Meningitis Guidelines , for students
Metabolic Science, Wellcome Trust-MRC Institute of (IMS)
Microelectronics Group , Department of Physics
Microsoft EES agreement
Middle Eastern Studies - see Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of
Millennium Maths Project (MMP)
Milner Therapeutics Institute
Mission statement of the University
Mitochondrial Biology Unit, MRC
Modern Greek Section
Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics, Faculty of
Molecular Biology, MRC Laboratory of
Molecular, Structural and Cellular Microbiology , Department of Pathology
Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit - see Department of Social Anthropology
Moore Library - see Betty and Gordon Moore Library
Motor Proctor
MRC Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine - see Stem Cell Initiative - MRC Centre for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
MRC Cognitive Function and Ageing Studies (MRC CFAS)
MRC Epidemiology Unit - see Epidemiology Unit, MRC
Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy Centre - provided by the University and co-ordinated by the Chaplain to University Staff
Murray Edwards College (founded as New Hall)
Museums and collections in the University
Music, Faculty of
Paediatrics, Department of
Palaeoenvironments - see Quaternary Palaeoenvironments Group
Pancreatic Cancer Centre - see Cambridge Pancreatic Cancer Centre
Pathology, Department of
Pathways in Higher Education Practice Programme - see PHEP, Pathways in Higher Education Practice Programme
Pembroke College
Penal Theory & Penal Ethics, Centre for
Pensions Section , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Persian - see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Personal and Professional Development
Personnel Division - see Human Resources Division , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Pharmacology, Department of
PHEP, Pathways in Higher Education Practice Programme
PHG Foundation formerly Cambridge Genetics Knowledge Park (CGKP)
Philosophy, Faculty of
Phone numbers - email and phone search
Photocopying and Printing
Physical Education - see University Sport
Physical Sciences, School of the
Physics, Department of (Cavendish Laboratory)
Physics & Chemistry, Faculty of
Physics of Medicine
Physiology, Department of - see Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Department of
Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Department of
Plagiarism - advice on good academic practice
Plant Sciences, Department of
Playscheme, Universities' Holiday
Points-Based Immigration Office (PBI) - see Visa Advice Service , International Student Office
POLIS - see Politics and International Studies, Department of
Politics and International Studies, Department of
Portuguese - see Spanish and Portuguese, Department of
Postdoc Academy
Postdocs of Cambridge Society
Postgraduate admissions
Postgraduate Feedback Reporting System (PFRS)
PPD - see Personal and Professional Development
Press office / press enquiries
Primary Review - see Cambridge Primary Review Trust
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Centre of Islamic Studies (CIS) - see Islamic Studies, Centre of
Prisons Research Centre
Procurement Services , University Administrative Service (UAS)
Proteomics, Cambridge Centre for
Psychiatry, Department of
Psychology, Department of
Psychometrics Centre
Public engagement - see External Affairs and Communications, Office of
Public Health, Institute of
Public Health & Primary Care, Department of
Public Law, Centre for
Public relations - see External Affairs and Communications, Office of
Purchasing Office - see Procurement Services
Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Department of (DPMMS)
Radio - see Cambridge University Radio (CamFM)
Radiology, Department of
Regenerative Medicine, Anne McLaren Laboratory for - see Wellcome - MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
Registrary , University Administrative Service (UAS)
Registrary's Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Religious Studies - see Divinity, Faculty of
Reporter , the official journal of the University of Cambridge
Repository - see Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
Reprographics Centre (Old Schools)
Reproduction Sociology Research Group (Reprosoc)
Research ethics
Research Excellence Framework (REF)
Research integrity
Research Initiatives - see Strategic Research Initiatives
Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, Centre for (CRASSH)
Research Policy Committee (authenticated access only)
Research Operations Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Research Strategy Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Respiratory Medicine, Division of , Department of Medicine
Rheumatology, Division of , Department of Medicine
Ridley Hall
Risk Steering Committee (authenticated access only)
Robinson College
Royal Naval Unit, Cambridge University
Russian - see Slavonic Studies, Department of
Safety Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Sainsbury Laboratory
St Catharine's College
St Edmund's College
St John's College
Sanskrit - see Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Scholarships - see Funding for students
Scholarly Communication - see Office of Scholarly Communication
Schools of the University
Schools Outreach
Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS)
Science and Policy, Centre for (CSaP)
Science Museum - see Whipple Museum of the History of Science
Scientific Computing, Centre for (CSC)
Scientific Computing, Laboratory for (LSC) , Department of Physics
Scientific Periodicals Library - see Betty & Gordon Moore Library
Scott Polar Research Institute
Scrutiny, Board of
Secretariat - see Registrary's Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Security Office , part of the University Administrative Service (UAS)
Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences
Selwyn College
Semiconductor Physics Group
Seminars in the University
Senior Tutors
Sidney Sussex College
Slavonic Studies, Department of (Russian, Polish)
Social Anthropology, Department of
Societies - see Registered Clubs and Societies
Society for Visiting Scholars - see Newcomers and Visiting Scholars
Sociology, Department of
South Asian Studies, Centre of
Spanish and Portuguese, Department of
Speakers - how to book a speaker from the University
Speech, Language and the Brain, Centre for , Department of Psychology
Sport at the University
Squire Law Library
Staff Development - see Personal and Professional Development
Statistical Laboratory
Statutes & Ordinances
Stem Cell Institute - Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
STEP Mathematics exams, for Undergraduate admission for Maths
Strangeways Research Laboratory (part of the Institute of Public Health )
Strategic Partnerships Office
Strategic Research Initiatives (see also Interdisciplinary Research Centres )
Strategic Research Networks
Streaming media service
Structures Research Group, Department of Engineering
Student Registry - student-centred information for staff
Student Run Computing Facility (SRCF) - a University society that provides useful, flexible computing and network services for University of Cambridge Staff and Students
Students' Union – see Cambridge SU
Study of Existential Risk, Centre for the
Summer Schools - see International Summer Programmes
Surfaces, Microstructure & Fracture Group , Department of Physics
Surgery, Department of
Sustainability Leadership, Cambridge Centre for
Sustainable Development, Centre for
Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit , University Library
Tax Law, Centre for (CTL)
Teachers and Parents - information for teachers, parents, tutors and HE advisors regarding undergraduate applications
Teaching and Learning, Cambridge Centre for - see Cambridge Centre for Teaching and Learning
Technology, School of
Technology and Humanity, Institute for
Technology Management, Centre for , Institute for Manufacturing
Technology Transfer Office - see Cambridge Enterprise
Telecommunications Office , part of University Information Services (UIS)
Telephone numbers - see Phone numbers
Temporary Employment Service (TES)
Term dates
Theological and Religious Studies - see Divinity, Faculty of
Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Department of
Theoretical Cosmology (CTC), Centre for
Theoretical Physics - see Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics , Department of
Theory of Living Matter , Department of Physics
Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) - see Admission assessments
Thin Film Magnetism Group , Department of Physics
Trades Unions
Transcripts - see Degree Certificates and Transcripts
Transfusion Medicine, Division of
Trinity College
Trinity Hall
Tripos Examination Dates - see Examination information and dates
Trophoblast Research, Centre for
Turbomachinery, Energy and Fluid Mechanics - see Energy, Fluid Dynamics and Turbomachinery
Tyndale House